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Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO).

How 6 YC companies answered the "Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO)." question from the YCombinator Application.

6 answers / 13 words on average

"Please describe the breakdown of the equity ownership in percentages among the founders, employees and any other stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the equity ownership of each founder and founder title (e.g. CEO)." — 6 answers


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Mauricio Giordano - 10% Vinicius Neris - 29% Pedro Góes - 61%


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Shola — 80% Employee Pool — 10% Advisory Pool — 10%


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50/50 split between Kyle and Jeremy. $100K convertible note from Kyle.


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The only three shareholders are CanadaKaz , DannySu and Gflarity. We have raised $250K in convertible notes. The majority of these notes have a $3.5 million valuation cap.

One Month(S13)

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I currently own 98% of The Front Labs LLC and the remaining 2% is owned by my good friend and angel investor Jay Weintraub. Jay invested $6,000, which values the company at $300,000.

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